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Practical sustainability is not a mission impossible

In 2015 the United Nations member states adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. The SDGs should not only be theoretical global goals, but as new PALS enterprises have shown, also practical tangible goals in our own sphere of operation. To illustrate the practical nature of PALS we listed seven SDGs and how PALS addresses these challenges.
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2025 brings a new era for agriculture

"Going forward, the focus will be on where land will come from, like the soon-to-be-released 2.4 million hectares of government-owned land, and selecting the right beneficiaries for that land. This will be a major step towards eliminating the divide that has burdened South African agriculture historically." John Hudson, Head of Agriculture at Nedbank Commercial Banking
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A friendship beyond barriers

This was in the 1970’s and early 80’s during a time when segregation dictated so much of life. Apartheid laws drew strict lines between people, but they couldn’t define the bond Matri shared with her best friend, Katie Klein, the daughter of a farmworker.
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House on the Rocks

It is all about the right solid foundation. Unfortunately, many government and other developmental projects are still trying to reinvent the wheel. Most failures can be avoided if the PALS principle of the right foundation and using the right builders, are more widely accepted.
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Just do it

Over the years here at PALS we have done all we could to convince the world out there, from farmers to politicians, that PALS is the real McCoy. Now people…

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